Frequent questions
How can I make an order?
Once you have chosen the desired item, select the appropriate quantity, then click the "Add to cart" button. When you're done navigating and you're ready to complete the order, move your mouse on the "shopping cart" button at the top of the screen and click it. Make sure all products and quantities in the cart are correct and click on "Order" to complete the order. The next step is forwarding to a secure server where you can safely fill in billing, shipping, and payment information.
What happens if I want to buy more than the maximum number of articles admitted to the site?
You can make multiple orders or call our Customer Support team at +40 751 111 211 for for guidance in making a larger order.
How do I see what's in my shopping cart?
To view or manage the contents of the shopping cart, move the mouse over the screen and click on the "shopping cart" button at the top of the screen.
What forms of payment do you accept
We accept the following forms of payment: Visa, MasterCard, American Express credit cards, StarBT, BRDF, PayPal and cash on delivery.
How can I make a order through phone call?
If you prefer to make a phone call, please call +40 751 111 211. Our Customer Support Schedule is from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5 pm EET.
How do I check the status of my order on shop
Every time you place an order, you will receive an email from us confirming the status of your order. You can also log in to your personal account and select Order Status / History, then click a number to view the details. If you need assistance with a recent order at, please contact our Customer Support team at or call us at +40 751 111 211.
Our Customer Support Schedule is from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5 pm EET, closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
How can I cancel an order on shop
Unfortunately, we can not cancel orders already made because we process them right away. You may, however, return the product for a full refund in accordance with our return policies